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Storage Silo

Model no.  SS047

Storage silo is the very last unit of production line and it can hold the product many hours according to production rate till the packing process is started or resumed.

The silo could be feed from top or from existing pneumatic conveyor through side tube. And it is raised on robust legs to ease packing process.

The silo is provided with air lock located at the outlet and it is operated electrically to discharge or block the material from the silo. This air lock could be calibrated for desired pack size and stop automatically after each pack.


Technical Specifications :

  • Silo is made from steel sheets  2 mm thickness

  • Silo diameter is 100 cm

  • Silo storage capacity is 1500 lit

  • Silo is raised on four legs to ease material charging

  • A container of 100 cm height could be charged using air lock system

  • Air lock is driven by 0.5 hp electric motor

  • Overall dimensions is 150 cm length by 112 cm width by 390 cm height